Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean neque odio, hendrerit et ante id, eleifend mollis ligula. Suspendisse aliquet libero nec faucibus sagittis. Aenean eget felis vitae tellus dapibus suscipit. Nam gravida volutpat nisl, eu pellentesque orci. Quisque enim lectus, egestas ac mi sit amet, ornare mollis est. Curabitur pellentesque tincidunt accumsan. Etiam luctus ultricies diam. Pellentesque sed feugiat metus. Nulla vehicula elit ut augue volutpat interdum. Aliquam viverra, mi non porttitor mattis, sem erat sagittis nisl, at maximus turpis massa a augue. Vestibulum ultrices nec nisl vel elementum.

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113.1 Ratify the international human rights treaties to which it is not yet a party (Ukraine);

113.2 Continue to take steps in the ratification of outstanding international human rights instruments (Malawi);

113.3 Continue the efforts towards accession to international and regional human rights instruments (Ethiopia)

113.4 Pursue the stages of accession to the covenants and conventions mentioned in the report, and their ratification, despite the understandable delay due to the political situation affecting the country (Morocco);

113.5 Ratify the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (Kenya);

113.6 Complete the ratification of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (Spain);

113.8 Continue to take steps to ratify the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (Indonesia);

113.9 Complete the process of accession to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, as well as their Optional Protocols (Chad);

113.10 Ratify the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (Norway);

113.11 Accede to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (Canada) (Namibia);

113.12 Consider ratifying the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (Nepal);

113.13 Consider ratifying the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (India);

113.14 Expedite the ratification process for the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (Republic of Korea);

113.17 Ratify the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and its Optional Protocol (Togo);

113.18 Ratify the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (Côte d’Ivoire);

113.20 Pursue efforts to ratify the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, as well as the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (Mauritius);

113.21 Consider ratifying the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families (Niger);

113.22 Ratify the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance (Japan);

113.25 Ratify and accede to the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and other core international human rights treaties and conventions yet to be ratified (Sierra Leone);

113.26 Ratify the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on a communications procedure (Slovakia);

113.27 Continue efforts to complete the procedures for ratifying the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (Tunisia);

113.28 Complete the process of ratifying the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (Algeria);

113.29 Consider ratifying the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance (Argentina);

113.30 Ratify the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance (Armenia);

113.32 Ratify the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (Denmark);

113.33 Ratify the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa (Argentina) (Namibia);

113.34 Finalize the ratification of the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa (Burkina Faso);

113.35 Ratify the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Armenia);

113.36 Step up efforts to end the exploitation of children, inter alia, by ratifying the Convention on the Rights of the Child and harmonizing the Child Act in line with international instruments (Botswana);

113.37 Consider ratifying the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination and continue efforts for the ratification of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (Chile);

113.38 Promote the active participation of persons with disabilities in the drafting, management and evaluation of policies and, in the same vein, ratify the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (Costa Rica);

113.39 Ratify the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (Côte d'Ivoire);

113.40 Ratify the Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention, 1989 (No. 169) of the International Labour Organization (Denmark);

113.41 Accede to the 1954 Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons and the 1961 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness (Côte d'Ivoire) (Eswatini) (Paraguay);

113.42 Complete, as soon as possible, the process of acceding to certain international and regional conventions that have already been referred to the Transitional National Legislative Assembly (Mali);

Theme: Inter-State cooperation and assistance

113.49 Intensify efforts to mobilize resources, seek necessary international support and technical assistance to enhance its capacity to promote and protect human rights (Nigeria);

113.51 Seek international assistance to overcome socioeconomic challenges (Pakistan);

Theme: Constitutional & legislative framework

113.61 Continue its efforts to establish appropriate legislative and institutional mechanisms for the promotion and protection of human rights by developing and implementing comprehensive national social protection policies, programmes and strategies (Democratic People's Republic of Korea);

113.63 Continue its efforts to harmonize national legislation with international obligations (Pakistan);

113.64 Continue to take steps to align domestic laws with the international human rights instruments that the country has ratified (Malawi);

113.53 Continue efforts to strengthen and implement outstanding commitments under the Revitalized Agreement (Ghana);

113.54 Accelerate the implementation of the Revitalized Agreement to engender respect for and protection of the rights of citizens in line with international law and the Transitional Constitution of South Sudan (Canada);

113.56 Continue propelling decisively the institutional reforms envisaged in the Revitalized Agreement in order to advance in the protection of the human rights of its people (Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela);

113.57 Continue implementing the Revitalized Agreement (South Africa);

113.58 Fully implement the peace agreement (United Republic of Tanzania);

113.59 Implement all the provisions of the peace agreement, which constitute an important foundation for the protection and promotion of human rights (Switzerland);

113.65 Finalize the process of establishing an ad hoc judicial reform committee, started in collaboration with Intergovernmental Authority on Development (Ethiopia);

113.66 Consider establishing a national human rights institution in accordance with the principles relating to the status of national institutions for the promotion and protection of human rights (the Paris Principles) (India);

113.67 Strengthen the South Sudan Human Rights Commission and its mandate (Somalia);

Theme: Human rights & the environment

113.71 Intensify efforts to develop and strengthen the necessary legislative frameworks that address cross-sectoral environmental challenges, including climate change and disaster risk reduction frameworks (Fiji);

113.96 Take specific measures to strengthen the rule of law and the functioning of public institutions, including through an accountability mechanism at all levels (Angola);

113.98 Take the steps necessary to eradicate corruption (Slovakia);

113.113 Ensure credible, transparent and independent investigations into all allegations of serious violations of international humanitarian law and violations and abuses of international human rights law (Czechia);

113.114 Take the necessary measures to reform the judicial system and ensure its independence in order to end impunity and enhance access to justice (Libya);

113.116 Strengthen the national judiciary, including the domestic criminal justice system (Croatia);

113.115 Establish an interim reparations programme to address the immediate needs of victims of sexual and gender-based violence, including through medical and psychosocial support, and to promote accountability and the prosecution of perpetrators (Liechtenstein);

Theme: Freedom of opinion and expression & access to information

113.132 Ensure safe working conditions for journalists and human rights defenders, including by upholding the right to privacy (Germany);

113.133 Promote respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, including the freedoms of expression, the press and peaceful assembly, in order to ensure open public debates, particularly in view of the general elections to be held in February 2023 (France);

113.136 Continue to reinforce relevant measures to promote and protect the rights to freedom of expression and to peaceful assembly and association (Ghana);

113.138 Protect human rights defenders and journalists from violence and arbitrary arrest and address impunity for crimes against human rights defenders and journalists (Estonia);

113.139 Promote a safe and enabling environment for individuals and civil society groups to exercise their rights to freedom of expression, peaceful assembly and association (Ireland);

113.140 Take effective measures to ensure freedom of expression, including by ensuring the safety of journalists and human rights defenders (Japan);

113.142 Develop and implement targeted policies and initiatives to prevent harassment, arbitrary arrest and detention, enforced disappearance and killing of human rights defenders, journalists and media workers (Lithuania);

113.143 Ensure that the civic space remains open and avoid actions and restrictions that unduly limit freedom of expression and opinion, including for human rights defenders, journalists and civil society actors (Canada);

113.144 Take effective measures to prevent obstacles to freedom of expression, such as attempts to intimidate or silence civil society, journalists, legal professionals, human rights defenders and political groups (Luxembourg);

113.148 Ensure the protection of journalists, human rights defenders and humanitarian workers and ensure also their safe access to all areas of the country (Australia);

113.151 Publicly condemn attacks, threats, acts of intimidation and arbitrary arrests targeting journalists and human rights defenders (Mexico);

113.155 Ensure the full enjoyment of the rights to freedom of expression, the press, association and peaceful assembly, putting an end, among others, to censorship and the closure of media outlets (Spain);

113.157 Protect the legitimate work of journalists, human rights defenders and opponents (Spain);

113.158 Take measures to prevent acts aimed at intimidating journalists and interfering with freedom of expression (Slovakia);

113.159 Take effective measures to prevent acts aimed at interfering with the freedom to express opinions (Timor-Leste);

113.160 Guarantee and protect freedom of expression, freedom of peaceful assembly and freedom of association by adjusting laws restricting these freedoms to international standards, by preventing attacks targeting journalists, human rights defenders and peaceful political actors and by combating the impunity of the perpetrators of these acts, in line with target 16.10 of the Sustainable Development Goals (Switzerland);

113.161 Redouble efforts to improve the safety and security of journalists and human rights defenders (Ukraine);

113.163 Further strengthen its efforts to fight poverty and promote full access to health and education in cooperation with relevant United Nations agencies and other partners (Democratic People's Republic of Korea);

113.164 Improve access to education, health and social security and strengthen its efforts to ensure the people's right to an adequate standard of living (Timor-Leste);

113.169 Ensure the allocation of adequate resources towards socioeconomic development programmes, including on poverty alleviation (Philippines);

113.170 Ensure the delivery of basic services, notably access to health care, water and sanitation, to the entire population, including in rural areas (Sweden);

113.171 Improve access to adequate housing, safe drinking water and adequate sanitation, as well as to health-care services (Ukraine);

113.174 Continue efforts to strengthen its health system by ensuring women and girls have access to health-care services even in rural settings (Eswatini);

113.175 Increase efforts to improve the health-care system, including through access to health facilities and other resources for maternal health (Kenya);

113.176 Seek the international community's support to ensure access to COVID-19 vaccines for all people (Bangladesh);

113.177 Increase investment in the health sector with a view to achieving universal health coverage; take measures, including by providing human rights training for health personnel, to eliminate all forms of barriers, stigma and discrimination in health settings; and create an enabling and safe environment for all, including for persons affected by HIV and key populations (Portugal);

113.178 Substantially increase the budgetary allocations for the public health sector and strengthen the capacities of public health facilities and health workers (Serbia);

113.179 Continue efforts to improve the health-care system, including access to health facilities, in particular to improve maternal health (Indonesia);

113.204 Improve access to health services, particularly in the area of sexual and reproductive health (Luxembourg);

113.180 Strengthen efforts to improve the education system and infrastructure and provide human rights training to teachers (Fiji);

113.181 Implement policies that will ensure that girls return to and remain in the education system (Croatia);

113.182 Continue to increase the investment in education and reduce the rate of children dropping out of school (China);

113.183 Continue efforts to reduce the number of school dropouts and ensure access to basic education for all children (Bangladesh);

113.184 Take necessary measures to fully implement the right to education with a view to continuing to empower its population (Angola);

113.185 Continue efforts to upgrade the fields of education and literacy in the country (Algeria);

113.186 Improve conditions so as to increase access to education and ensure that more students are enrolled in school (United Republic of Tanzania);

113.187 Continue existing efforts to develop the educational system and guarantee the right to education (Tunisia);

113.188 Further promote the right to education through the advancement of equal access to education (Sri Lanka);

113.189 Ensure access to safe and quality education for all children (Slovakia);

113.190 Continue its initiatives to enhance the literacy rates of its population through and beyond its educational institutions (Singapore);

113.191 Ensure the right to quality, inclusive and equal education, in particular for girls and all children from rural communities (Senegal);

113.192 Take measures to reduce the number of out-of-school children to ensure that all children, including girls, have access to education without discrimination and also take measures to prevent attacks on and the military use of schools (Portugal);

113.194 Consider guaranteeing the right to education for all and extend free education at the primary and secondary levels for a 12-year period, as recommended by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Mauritius);

113.195 Continue to implement measures to improve access to education for all (Malaysia);

113.196 Provide age-appropriate sexuality education in all schools by 2025, in line with the commitment made at the Nairobi Summit on the International Conference on Population and Development (Iceland);

113.52 Step up efforts to build the capacity of officials (Burundi);

113.60 Continue building national capacities to adopt a human rights-based approach when planning and implementing government policies (Egypt);

113.62 Adopt a human rights-based approach to the elaboration of main strategic action plans (Angola);

113.193 Take steps to build the capacity of permanent officials, including by integrating human rights education and training into their training modules (Pakistan);

Theme: Discrimination against women

113.197 Implement the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and all legal provisions relating to gender equality and sexual and gender-based violence (Iceland);

113.206 Continue to take steps to promote the rights of women (Malawi);

113.207 Continue its efforts to promote and protect the rights of women, children and vulnerable groups (Malaysia);

113.208 Strengthen and intensify efforts related to the promotion and protection of the rights of women and girls (Mauritania);

113.215 Strengthen the efforts to prevent discrimination and violence against women and girls, including by eradicating harmful practices such as child, early and forced marriage (Slovenia);

113.218 Enhance the protection of women and girls against discrimination, forced marriage and gender-based violence by bolstering the legal framework and fully implementing the legal provisions on gender equality and sexual violence (Switzerland);

113.224 Take measures to address gender inequality and discrimination in relation to employment (Botswana);

113.225 Take all necessary measures to eliminate child marriage (Burkina Faso);

113.227 Continue to promote gender equality and further protect women's rights (China);

113.234 Continue efforts aimed at eliminating discrimination against women and girls (Georgia);

113.235 Adopt effective measures to reduce the high rates of child marriage, which hamper the schooling of South Sudanese girls (Spain);

113.250 Take the necessary measures to end the practice of forced marriage, addressing its root causes and ensuring that cases of forced marriage are investigated and that those found responsible are prosecuted (Togo);

113.221 Expeditiously implement the 2018 Revitalized Agreement in its entirety and ensure the full, equal and meaningful participation and leadership of women in all related processes (Australia);

113.226 Make the necessary efforts to strengthen the effective and meaningful participation of women in matters of peace and security (Chile);

113.198 Consider strengthening its efforts to eliminate violence against women and to eliminate all forms of discrimination against women (India);

113.200 Enhance the protection of women and girls against discrimination, forced marriage and sexual and gender-based violence, including through investigations of violations and abuses (Ireland);

113.201 Take measures to combat all forms of violence and discrimination against women, including sexual abuse and exploitation, and harmful practices such as child, early and forced marriage (Italy);

113.214 Allocate resources to implement policies and concrete enforcement measures to further protect women and girls and to strengthen the administration of justice (Sierra Leone);

113.229 Strengthen the promotion and protection of women's rights by implementing additional measures to combat violence against women, investigating alleged violations and prosecuting perpetrators (Djibouti);

113.231 Adopt a comprehensive law addressing all forms of violence against women and girls and eradicate the harmful practice of early and forced marriage (Estonia);

113.233 Combat violence and discrimination against women and girls and ensure improved participation of women in the governance of the country (France);

113.252 Maintain and strengthen existing national programmes to protect and promote the rights of persons with disabilities (Sri Lanka);

113.253 Provide assistance to persons with disabilities (Burundi);

113.254 Continue efforts to improve the rights of women and girls, especially those living with disabilities (Eswatini);

113.255 Continue to pursue measures to increase the inclusivity of its education system and ensure that persons with disabilities can participate meaningfully in its society (Singapore);

113.217 Implement the national action plan to end child marriages before 2030 (Sweden);

113.241 Support efforts to promote and protect children's rights, especially those related to education and to physical and psychological health, and also support efforts to end all grave violations against children, especially children in armed conflict (Libya);

113.242 Further enhance measures to protect children's rights, especially by ensuring their access to education (Georgia);

113.243 Implement the comprehensive action plan to end and prevent violations against children (Estonia);

113.244 Enhance efforts to guarantee the rights of the children and to protect them from violence, abuse and involvement in armed conflict, including through recruitment and abduction (Italy);

113.245 Modify the legislation so that the minimum legal age for marriage is 18 years (Mexico);

113.246 Continue the steps and efforts to strengthen the legal framework for the protection of children (Mauritania);

113.247 Immediately cease the recruitment and use of children in armed conflict, and ensure their rehabilitation and reintegration (Australia);

113.248 Increase efforts to end the crime of rape and other forms of sexual violence against children and implement measures aimed at reparations and compensation for survivors (Argentina);

113.249 Enact legislation on child marriage in accordance with international human rights law (Sierra Leone);

113.251 Take concrete measure with a view to ending and preventing violations against children, including forced and early marriages (Croatia);

113.236 Fully implement its action plan to prevent grave violations against children, including by ending the recruitment of child soldiers, helping the social reintegration of those recruited and increasing awareness of modern slavery among the authorities (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland);

113.237 Redouble efforts to ensure the full and rapid implementation of the comprehensive action plan on children and armed conflict, including through the allocation of adequate financial and human resources (Uruguay);

113.238 Pursue all efforts to implement the comprehensive action plan to end and prevent all forms of grave violations against children affected by armed conflict and to eliminate all forms of violence against and exploitation of children, including child labour, recruitment of child soldiers, sexual and gender-based violence and early and forced marriages (Portugal);

113.239 Ensure effective implementation of the comprehensive action plan to end and prevent all grave violations against children (Germany);

113.240 Step up efforts and take all measures to prevent and put an end to the use and recruitment of child soldiers and guarantee the reintegration and access to education of former child soldiers (Djibouti);

113.44 Continue to seek the necessary technical and capacity-building assistance to effectively implement key national priorities and international human rights obligations (Democratic People's Republic of Korea);

113.45 Cooperate fully with all international human rights mechanisms, including the Commission on Human Rights in South Sudan and special procedures (Czechia);

113.46 Cooperate fully with the Commission on Human Rights in South Sudan and implement its recommendations (Luxembourg);

113.47 Continue to cooperate with the Commission on Human Rights in South Sudan of the United Nations and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (Norway);

113.48 Engage and cooperate fully with the international community, including the Commission on Human Rights in South Sudan of the United Nations, so that it can advise partners on how they can best support the human rights priorities of South Sudan (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland);

113.50 Maintain the commendable efforts to interact with the United Nations human rights mechanisms, as well as with the special envoys of the United Nations, the African Union and the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (Morocco);

113.43 Continue to cooperate with human rights special procedures (Georgia);

113.173 Increase the national budget allocation to the health and education sectors (Somalia);

113.55 Comply with and enforce the permanent ceasefire commitment, as well as the other provisions of the Revitalized Agreement, the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement and the Rome resolution in this regard (Paraguay);

113.90 Compile a public, verifiable record of all persons killed in armed conflict in the country, including civilians, with a view to using that data to create an early warning system and promote intercommunal reconciliation (Croatia);

113.91 Ensure unrestricted access to humanitarian aid workers and condemn violent attacks against them (Liechtenstein);

113.92 Halt attacks against civilians in Tambura, Western Equatoria, or elsewhere (United States of America);

113.93 Comply with international humanitarian law obligations, putting an end to attacks against civilians and protecting vulnerable social groups in particular (Paraguay);

113.117 Implement fully the provisions of the Revitalized Agreement and ensure the timely investigation of all allegations of serious violations of human rights and international humanitarian law (Lithuania);

113.118 Adopt additional preventive measures to cease all violations of international and humanitarian law, particularly regarding intercommunal and gender-based violence, and to ensure prompt and impartial investigations of such violations (Brazil);

113.120 Investigate the deaths of humanitarian workers (Zambia);

113.146 Facilitate humanitarian access and protect aid workers (Lithuania);

113.153 Take measures to ensure unhindered access to the United Nations, the International Committee of the Red Cross and humanitarian workers (Paraguay);

113.256 Pursue efforts to protect internally displaced persons and encourage their voluntary return, in addition to putting an end to armaments and local violence (Kuwait);

113.257 Create the necessary conditions that foster a safe and sustainable return, as well as the integration of the displaced population (Costa Rica);

113.87 Investigate attacks on persons and civilian objects such as hospitals and schools and ensure that perpetrators of violations of international humanitarian law are duly prosecuted (Luxembourg);

113.109 Investigate and prosecute alleged serious violations and abuses of international human rights law and violations of international humanitarian law, including when perpetrated by its military personnel (Finland);

113.110 Ensure proper investigation into allegations of violations of international humanitarian and human rights law and bring the perpetrators to justice (Ghana);

113.119 Ensure accountability for violations of human rights and international humanitarian law and bring the perpetrators to justice (Albania);

113.121 Ensure independent investigation and prosecution of all perpetrators of conflict-related sexual and gender-based violence, irrespective of rank, and guarantee survivors' right to an effective remedy (Netherlands);

113.122 Investigate and document all allegations of human rights violations in the country and consider disarming civilians and putting into place measures to control the flow of firearms (Zambia);

113.123 Ensure the timely investigation of all allegations of serious violations of human rights and international humanitarian law committed by the South Sudan People's Defence Forces, the National Security Service and other members of the security forces (Montenegro);

113.124 Fully implement the provisions of the Revitalized Agreement and ensure that all allegations of serious violations of human rights and international humanitarian law are promptly investigated (Mexico);

113.125 Ensure prompt, thorough and impartial investigation of all violations against human rights defenders, the prosecution of perpetrators and access to effective remedies for victims (Zambia);

113.126 Investigate enforced disappearances to bring perpetrators to justice (Slovakia);

113.127 Prosecute individuals responsible for violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law, including conflict-related sexual and gender-based violence (Slovenia);

113.128 Take all necessary measures to end sexual and gender-based violence, including by promptly and independently investigating all allegations of such violence and bringing perpetrators to justice, in accordance with international standards (Sweden);

113.129 Take concrete steps to ensure that all allegations of serious human rights violations, including civilian killings, conflict-related sexual violence, and arbitrary arrests and detentions, are promptly and impartially investigated (Republic of Korea);

113.130 Take all measures necessary to ensure accountability for crimes against civilians (Ukraine);

113.99 Establish transitional justice institutions as set out in the peace agreement; the technical committee should swiftly present the results of its work (Germany);

113.100 Intensify efforts to sensitize the public about the transitional justice measures and initiate inclusive, survivor-centred and gender-sensitive consultations at local and regional levels (Fiji);

113.101 Finalize the process of establishing the Hybrid Court for South Sudan and other transitional justice mechanisms to address violations committed during the conflict and to help address historical human rights violations in South Sudan (Canada);

113.102 Expedite the establishment and the operationalization of the Hybrid Court for South Sudan and the Commission for Truth, Reconciliation and Healing to ensure justice, accountability and healing (South Africa);

113.103 Establish the three transitional justice mechanisms named in the peace agreement (Sierra Leone);

113.104 Implement effectively the 2018 Revitalized Agreement and accelerate the establishment of all transitional justice mechanisms (Albania);

113.105 Effectively implement the transitional justice provisions of the Revitalized Agreement and adopt a broad approach to reparations (Montenegro);

113.106 Take measures to combat impunity for perpetrators of violence and violations of international humanitarian law, including those committed against humanitarian and medical personnel, including by establishing the Hybrid Court for South Sudan and the Commission for Truth, Reconciliation and Healing (France);

113.107 Fully establish transitional justice mechanisms, including the Hybrid Court for South Sudan (United States of America);

113.111 Establish an interim reparations programme to address the immediate needs of victims of conflict-related sexual violence (Iceland);

113.112 Continue its efforts towards peace and national reconciliation (Ghana);

113.131 Continue its efforts towards peace and national reconciliation to improve the human rights situation in the country (Maldives);

113.134 Create and guarantee conditions which allow for a safe and enabling environment for civil society so that ultimately free, fair and sustainable elections can be held (Germany);

113.141 Adopt without further delay all necessary constitutional and legal changes necessary for organizing democratic, free and fair elections in the foreseeable time frame (Czechia);

113.145 Adopt legal acts for free, fair and sustainable elections and implement reforms towards good governance (Lithuania);

113.149 Create an environment conducive to holding free and fair elections by establishing an independent and impartial elections commission (Maldives);

113.154 Give the people of South Sudan an opportunity to choose their own form of government through an inclusive constitution-drafting process and competitive, accountable and transparent elections in accordance with the Revitalized Agreement (United States of America);

113.156 Prioritize achieving consensus in the preparation of free and fair elections (Somalia);

113.202 Provide the necessary support to enhance accountability and the necessary technical assistance to investigate gender-based violence (Kuwait);

113.203 Fully implement the legal provisions relating to gender equality in order to protect women and girls against discrimination, forced marriage and sexual and gender-based violence (Liechtenstein);

113.205 Adopt laws specifically addressing sexual and gender-based offences to prevent and respond to sexual and gender-based violence (Luxembourg);

113.209 Prosecute decisively perpetrators of acts of violence against all victims of sexual violence, including women, ensuring access to justice (Mexico);

113.210 Carry out effective measures to combat sexual and gender-based violence and ensure victims' access to justice (Nepal);

113.212 Take action to prosecute perpetrators of sexual violence and immediately and safely release all abducted women and children (Paraguay);

113.213 Continue to strengthen prevention and protection measures against sexual and gender-based violence, including by fostering greater multisectoral partnerships (Philippines);

113.219 Continue efforts to address violence against juveniles and gender-based violence, support gender equality and promote women's participation (Tunisia);

113.220 Take all measures necessary to eliminate sexual and gender-based violence, including measures for the protection of and the provision of redress to victims (Albania);

113.222 Take legislative and policy measures to prevent and respond to all forms of sexual and gender-based violence, including those related to conflict, ensure that perpetrators are held to account and provide comprehensive services to survivors (Australia);

113.223 Fully implement the legal provisions relating to gender equality and sexual and gender-based violence in order to enhance the protection of women and girls against discrimination and gender-based violence (Belgium);

113.228 Strengthen the measures that prohibit the use of sexual violence, in line with the 2017 Cessation of Hostilities Agreement and the Revitalized Agreement, and introduce specific norms on sexual and gender-based crimes into national legislation to improve prevention and response measures against gender-based violence (Costa Rica);

113.230 Continue the efforts to eliminate sexual violence, especially against women and children (Egypt);

113.232 Continue to intensify efforts to expand protection from sexual and gender-based violence by ensuring adequate funding of safe homes and special protection units (Fiji);

113.199 Take further measures to ensure full respect for the rights of freedom of religion or belief (Indonesia);

113.162 Protect civilians, journalists, civil society actors and humanitarian workers from harm and uphold the freedoms of assembly and expression (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland);

113.135 Promote and protect civil society space, carry out effective and impartial investigations of all cases of intimidation and violence against civil society actors and hold perpetrators of such acts accountable in accordance with international fair trial standards (Finland);

113.165 Further improve the security situation and promote sustainable economic and social development (China);

113.168 Follow up on the implementation of economic and social development programmes to reduce differences between social groups (Algeria);

113.166 Seek the international community's support to step up measures to reduce food insecurity and malnutrition (Bangladesh);

113.167 Step up efforts to eradicate malnutrition and food insecurity (Nepal);

113.172 Take effective and comprehensive measures to improve nutrition and the food security situation (Philippines);

113.211 Fully implement the provision that guarantees that 35 per cent of positions in decision-making processes are occupied by women, as stipulated in the Revitalized Agreement (Norway);

113.216 Continue to advance the rights of women, including by promoting their increased participation in public life and by enhancing social protection (Sri Lanka);

113.258 Step up efforts, in cooperation with international agencies, to create conditions conducive to the safe, voluntary and dignified return of refugees and internally displaced persons (Republic of Korea).

113.7 Abolish the death penalty and ratify the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and its Second Optional Protocol (Iceland);

113.15 Adopt a de jure moratorium on capital executions and ratify the Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, aiming at the abolition of the death penalty, with a view to fully abolishing the death penalty (Italy);

113.16 Strengthen awareness-raising campaigns on the death penalty and hold public debates on the issue with a human rights focus, including in its parliament, with a view to enabling its abolition and the ratification of the Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, aiming at the abolition of the death penalty, at the earliest opportunity (Uruguay);

113.19 Ratify the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (Luxembourg) (Timor-Leste);

113.23 Ratify the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance, the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, as well as the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and their Optional Protocols (Paraguay);

113.24 Consider signing, acceding to or ratifying international and regional human rights instruments, particularly the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance and the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (Senegal);

113.31 Ratify the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance and the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (Costa Rica);

113.68 Decriminalize sexual relations between consenting adults of the same sex by repealing article 248 of the Penal Code (Iceland);

113.69 Decriminalize consensual same-sex relations between adults (Italy);

113.70 End the criminalization of sexual acts between consenting adults of the same sex (Uruguay);

Theme: Prohibition of torture & ill-treatment (including cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment)

113.88 Stop all forms of torture, enforced disappearances, arbitrary detentions and extrajudicial executions, and ensure accountability for human rights violations and abuses (Italy);

113.95 Take further measures to combat corruption through training and awareness-raising programmes, involving also possible bilateral and international cooperation (Indonesia);

113.97 Implement effective anti-corruption mechanisms, including to increase transparency regarding the disclosure of officials' assets and military procurement processes, to prevent the ongoing looting of the country's wealth, which contributes to conflict and human rights abuses (United States of America);

113.137 Cease the arbitrary detention of individuals, including human rights defenders, journalists and activists (Ireland);

113.147 Guarantee, in all circumstances, that human rights defenders, in particular women human rights defenders, are able to carry out their legitimate work without fear of violence or reprisal and free of restrictions, including judicial harassment (Netherlands);

113.150 Take the necessary steps to stop the harassment of, threats against and arbitrary arrests and detentions of human rights defenders, journalists and critics of the Government and government officials, and ensure that all government institutions respect, promote and protect the rights to privacy, freedom of expression and peaceful assembly (Belgium);

113.152 Take concrete steps to ensure freedom of expression and assembly and immediately put an end to the harassment, unlawful detainment and intimidation of journalists and civil society actors by the national security services (Norway);

113.89 Cease violations of international humanitarian and human rights law by ending all unlawful killings of civilians (Czechia);

113.94 Put an end to violations of international humanitarian law and human rights law, especially in relation to the extrajudicial execution of civilians (Spain);

113.108 Adopt the draft statute of the Hybrid Court for South Sudan, ensure that the Court is established and becomes rapidly operational and furthermore implement all other transitional justice provisions of the peace agreement (Belgium);

113.72 Establish a moratorium with a view to abolishing the death penalty (Germany);

113.73 Establish an official moratorium on executions with a view to abolishing the death penalty (Lithuania);

113.74 Apply a moratorium on the death penalty with a view to its eradication (Mexico);

113.75 Impose a moratorium on executions, as a first step towards full abolition of the death penalty (Portugal);

113.76 Establish an official moratorium on executions with a view to abolishing the death penalty (Slovenia);

113.77 Consider the establishment of a moratorium on the application of the death penalty as a first step towards its abolition (Spain);

113.78 Establish a de jure moratorium on the death penalty and commute all death convictions to alternative sentences (Switzerland);

113.79 Adopt a moratorium on executions with a view to abolishing the death penalty (Ukraine);

113.80 Implement a moratorium on executions as a first step to formally abolishing the death penalty (Albania);

113.81 Immediately establish an official moratorium on executions with a view to abolishing the death penalty (Argentina);

113.82 Consider establishing a formal moratorium on the death penalty (Chile);

113.83 Establish a moratorium on the death penalty with a view to its abolition (Costa Rica);

113.84 Put in place a comprehensive action plan to establish a moratorium with a view to abolishing the death penalty and amend the Constitution in order to prohibit the death penalty (Chad);

113.85 Consider abolishing the death penalty or implementing a moratorium on its application (Brazil);

113.86 Take effective steps to abolish the death penalty (Liechtenstein);

3 cycle Universal Periodic review Recommendations
Implementatio and follow up strategy Matrix (2022 - 2026)

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Take all necessary measures to end sexual & gender-based violence including by promptly and independently investigating all allegations of such violence and bringing perpetrators to justice, in accordance with international standards. (Sweden)

Implementation progress

What has the government of South Sudan done for this recommendation

Indicators to track implementation

– Increased awareness and willingness among police on their responsibility to effectively investigate SGBV.
– Increased number of police investigators trained.
– Police officers retained within the Special Protection Units.
– Increased confidence by the community in reporting cases of SGBV.
– Effective functionality of SPU’s
– Strengthened multi stakeholders’ approach to reporting cases of S&GBV
– Decrease GBV/SGBV cases

What has the government of South Sudan done for this recommendation

Implementation progress